The Films of De Sica and Rossellini
See below for schedule
Join us at the CEP every Tuesday, 7:00pm (until the 15th of April)
In the cinema of Vittorio de Sica (in collaboration with Cesare Zavattini) and Roberto Rossellini, small subjects with little power observe and endure fascist and postwar Europe, with all its big and small oppressions. Our winter 2025 screening series, Enduring the Small, focuses on the 1943–1954 films of these two seminal directors. The series is not intended to be an overview of Italian neorealism, nor does it hold the category to be uncontested, but it is rather a zero-ing in on a limited selection of influential films in order to sink into their aesthetic force. While reorienting themselves out from under the hegemony of Hollywood and fascist Italian melodrama, the films in this series are sincere to a degree that is painful, even humiliating to watch. This is what makes them important.
Join us for them all or a few at the Centre for Expanded Poetics.
The Children Are Watching Us (De Sica, 1943)
January 21, 7:00pm
Shoeshine (De Sica, 1946)
January 28, 7:00pm
Bicycle Thieves (De Sica, 1948)
February 4, 7:00pm
Miracle in Milan (De Sica, 1951)
February 11, 7:00pm
Umberto D. (De Sica, 1952)
February 18, 7:00pm
Rome, Open City (Rossellini, 1945)
March 11, 7:00pm
Paisan (Rossellini, 1946)
March 18, 7:00pm
Germany, Year Zero (Rossellini, 1948)
March 25, 7:00pm
Stromboli (Rossellini, 1950)
April 1, 7:00pm
Europe ‘51 (Rossellini, 1952)
April 8, 7:00pm
Journey to Italy (Rossellini, 1954)
April 15, 7:00pm