Haider Ali - From Fracture to Totality: A Prolegomenon to the Theory of the Urdu Ghazal
3:00 p.m.15:00

Haider Ali - From Fracture to Totality: A Prolegomenon to the Theory of the Urdu Ghazal

  • Concordia University, Department of English (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Urdu ghazal, famously understood as a form comprised of disparate couplets, has hitherto been discussed as either a unity or a site of pure difference. This talk seeks to advance this debate to locate how the ghazal, both in form and content, reconciles fragmentation and totality, in-line with Sufi conceptions of the 'oneness of Being'.

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Olivia Elias, with Hoda Adra and Alexei Perry Cox
1:00 p.m.13:00

Olivia Elias, with Hoda Adra and Alexei Perry Cox

  • Concordia University, Department of English (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

On Thursday, April 27th, at 1PM, the Centre for Expanded Poetics at Concordia University will host a reading by the Palestinian poet Olivia Elias for the launch the English translation of her recent book Chaos, Crossing. This event will be facilitated by Montréal-based artists and writers Hoda Adra and Alexei Perry Cox, who will introduce and open a conversation on her work.

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Carla Harryman, with Gail Scott
5:00 p.m.17:00

Carla Harryman, with Gail Scott

  • Concordia University, Department of English (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

On Monday, April 17th, at 5PM, the Centre for Expanded Poetics at Concordia University will host a reading by the American poet, essayist and playwright Carla Harryman, in collaboration with Montréal-based author Gail Scott, who will introduce and open a conversation on her work.

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Precarities, Pastorals & Poetics: A two-part creative writing workshop
2:30 p.m.14:30

Precarities, Pastorals & Poetics: A two-part creative writing workshop

  • Centre for Expanded Poetics, Concordia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Precarities, Pastorals and Poetics is a creative-writing workshop which asks how precarity can queer our relationship with the natural world, crafting new understandings of pastoral poetry. We draw together a range of pastoral traditions: 18th &19th century labouring class poets, urban pastorals of precariously employed workers, and the necropastoral which binds together technology, death and the anthropocene. 

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Megan Stein - Tending
11:30 a.m.11:30

Megan Stein - Tending

  • Concordia University, Centre for Expanded Poetics (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Please join us for a presentation of CEP Affiliate Megan Stein’s MFA Graduating Thesis, titled Tending, showcasing book works, stone lithography, letterpress / moveable type, handmade paper, screen printing, and soundscapes of field recordings and words translated as tone.

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Book Launch, Rationalist Empiricism: A Theory of Speculative Critique
5:00 p.m.17:00

Book Launch, Rationalist Empiricism: A Theory of Speculative Critique

Please join us for a book launch to celebrate the publication of CEP Director Nathan Brown’s Rationalist Empiricism: A Theory of Speculative Critique (Fordham University Press, 2021). The event will be hosted by Professor Stephen Ross, with a lecture by Nathan Brown and questions from respondent Professor Manish Sharma, followed by a general Q&A.

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Amanda Holmes - Lacan's Graph of Desire - Two Lectures
12:00 p.m.12:00

Amanda Holmes - Lacan's Graph of Desire - Two Lectures

  • Centre for Expanded Poetics, LB 681 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us at the Centre for Expanded Poetics for a workshop with Amanda Holmes on Lacan’s Graph of Desire. The workshop will consist of two talks, each followed by discussion. The first talk with situate the graph in its intellectual-historical context, in relation to both Freud’s psychoanalytic topology and French structuralism. The second talk will work through the graph step-by-step, elaborating the elements and relationships it maps.

Amanda Holmes is a Doctoral student in the Philosophy Department at Villanova University. Her work is situated at the intersection of ontology and psychoanalysis. She is currently living in Vienna, Austria and writing her dissertation, which is titled "Erotology: Desire and Being in Lacan's Return to Freud."

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