Study Groups and Interdisciplinary Research Projects
The CEP hosts a growing community of research groups and projects, initiated and organized by affliated students and faculty.
Each year, the CEP runs free screening series that aim to exhaustively present the works of individual filmmakers. This year’s series will explore the relation between poetry and cinema in the work of Chantal Akerman. Previous years have covered Buñuel and Pasolini.
expanded poetics: romantic, modernist, contemporary
Supported by a 4-year SSHRC Insight Grant, this project will historicize contemporary interdisciplinarity through the lens of poetics, situating it in relation to Jena Romanticism’s concept of Poesie as a unity of the arts and sciences and in relation to modernist practices of inter-arts experimentation.
risograph printing projects
Collaborating with students and groups to create exploratory print media. Risography situates text and image at the intersection of digital technology and screen printing.
Journal feature on expanded poetics
A special issue of Evening Will Come, in The Volta, dedicated to Expanded Poetics. Featuring work by affiliated students with international artists and critics, including work in dance, textiles, music, video, sculpture, drawing, poetry, prose, and conceptual art.
Printed at the CEP, designed and bound in collaboration with LOKI and Anteism, DOCUMENTS publishes work attesting to the multiplicity of practices, techniques, and modes of theoretical intelligence that inform contemporary poetics. Available here.
Place: A Deformation— PLACE VILLE-MARIE Projects
We subjected the Place Ville-Marie complex to investigation and critique across two semesters. The resulting projects took the landmark’s formal parameters and dense network of histories as a base for poetic transformations through dance, print, film, poetry, and more.
material codes, ephemeral traces
A woven translation of the audio recording from a collective reading of Lisa Robertson's The Men. A collaboration between Joelle Levesque and Sophia Borowska of the Weaving Data Research Group.
the object relation & twin peaks
A weekly reading group on Lacan’s Seminar IV, on the Object Relation, following by screenings of Twin Peaks. Winter 2025, Fridays 4-7pm, January 24 - April 11.
o bod
A journal of literature and criticism underscoring the margins and thresholds where the body gets in and borders dissolve. Affiliated with the CEP, founded and edited by Jesse Ruddock, Georgia Phillips-Amos, and Effy Morris.
Multi-dimensional Poetics: cette blancheur rigide
As part of our continued exploration of the spatial structure of poetry, we took up the provocation of Mallarmé’s Une coup de dès n’abolira le hasard to experimentally transform the two-dimensional surface of the printed page into a three-dimensional model. Poesis in action.
From March to June, 2020, Stephanie Creaghan posted work from two ongoing book projects: The Daily Poems and The Multitudinous Ends, Pt. 1.
A weekly film series focussed on the work of Vittorio De Sica and Roberto Rossellini, between 1943 and 1954. Winter 2025, Tuesdays at 7pm, January 21 - April 8.