transition 2 was published in May 1927. This issue was edited by Eugene Jolas and Elliot Paul.

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Contents of Issue 2

Fiction and Drama:

Pierre Drieu La Rochelle - The Young European - 9

C.W. Whittemore - Musclebound - 19

Velko Petrovitch - Sara’s Lenka - 32

Henry Poulaille - The Mad Train - 41

Alexander Blok - The Unknown Woman - 52

Gottfried Benn - The Island - 64

Ludwig Lewisohn - The Defeated - 74

Elliot Paul - The Concert - 90

James Joyce - Continuation of a Work in Progress - 94


Juan Gris - Painting

Giorgio de Chirico - Au Bord de la Mer

Max Ernst - 2 Jeunes Filles en des Belles Poses

Yves Tanguy - Painting


Paul Eluard - Poem - 111

— In Company (Surrealist text) - 112

— No More Division - 114

— Georges Braque - 116

— A Dream - 117

William Carlos Williams - The Dead Baby - 118

John Gould Fletcher - Ballad of the First Emperor - 119

Pierre Loving - The Black Horse Rider - 125

Valery Larbaud - Europe - 127

Sidney Hunt - “white limp droop UP” - 134

Bravig Imbs - Poem - 136

— Poem - 137

Rainer Maria Rilke - Against the Age (An Unknown Sonnet) - 138

Kenneth Fearing - Evening Song - 139

René Schickele - The Boy in the Garden - 141

Kay Boyle - Complaint - 142

Serge Essenin - I’m Tired of Living in My Native Land - 143

Arno Holtz - From Phantasus - 145

Léon-Paul Fargue - Æterneæ Memoriæ Patris - 149


Jean George Auriol - The Occident - 153

Robert Sage - La Réalité - 160

Elliot Paul - The New Nihilism - 164

Victor LLona - Foreigners Writing in French - 169

Extracts from an Interesting Correspondence - 175

Extra Materials:

Glossary - 181