transition 3 was published in June 1927. This issue was edited by Eugene Jolas and Elliot Paul.

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Contents of Issue 3

Fiction and Drama:

Gertrude Stein - As a Wife has a Cow A Love Story - 9

John Mitchell - Portraits of Innocence - 12

Morley Callaghan - Last Spring They Came Over - 19

Portrait - Kay Boyle - 29

James Joyce - Continuation of a Work in Progress - 32

Margery Latimer - Grotesque - 51

Philippe Soupault - The Silent House - 67

Velko Petrovitch - Sara’s Lenka (continued from previous issue) - 75

M. Zoschenko - [missing title page] - 88

Elin Pelin - Stoychko’s Willow - 91

Alexander Blok - The Unknown Woman - 96

Painting and Photography:

Kurt Schwitters - Workman’s Picture

Man Ray - Boule de Neige

Pavel Tchelitcheff - Portrait

André Masson - Combat de Poissons


Laura Riding - Sea-Ghost - 113

— If this Reminds - 114

— Death as Death - 115

Hart Crane - Cutty Sark - 116

— The Harbor Dawn, Brooklyn Heights - 120

Eugene Jolas - From “Nocturnes” - 122

— Frontier - 125

Rhys Davies - The City - 129

Bryher - Three Poems Different Focus - 132

Gustav Davidson - Aspasia B. C. 429 - 136

Allen Tate - Death of Little Boys - 138

— Causerie - 139

Kurt Schwitters - priimiitittii - 143

— Ann Blossom has Wheels (Poem Merz Nr. 1) - 144

Georg Trakl - To the Lad, Elis - 146

— Untitled - 147

Georges Ribemont-Dessaignes - Interests - 148

Berenice Abbott - Untitled - 149

Georg Dobo - The Drum of the Blood - 150


Laura Riding - The New Barbarism, and Gertrude Stein - 153

Robert Sage - Roughneck Verse - 169

The Editors - K.O.R.A.A. - 173

The Editors - Suggestions for a New Magic - 179

Extra Material:

Glossary - 180